Greg Fryer
Brian May Spec Volume and Tone Potentiometer Set


· These Omeg 220K Log B Pots are used for the volume and tone controls in Brian May’s “Red Special” guitar.

· Our Omeg pots are hand selected from bulk quantity in order to match closely the specific ohmic value of the “Red Special’s” pots.
Only approx 1 in 5 that we buy fall into this “BM range”. This is because all the pots have a +/- 20% manufacturing tolerance, therefore a 220K pot can vary between 176K to 264K.

· All this is important to the guitar’s sound because this value effects the treble and bass response.

Generally speaking, the higher the value pots (250K to 500K and above) accentuate treble response whilst lower values (200K and lower)
“load down” the pick-ups, producing squashed trebles and middles and accentuating bass frequencies.

· On the three “Red Special” replica guitars made for Brian May in 1997, I have used an alternative Japanese volume pot which has the same value and
taper as the Omeg, but feels very similar to Brian’s older, worn-in, looser feeling Omeg pots.

· Wiring up:
The Omeg pots are wired up the same way as the Guild BM guitar’s pots.

Double check that all earth wires are soldered to the back of the pot casing.